A Buddha is one who has attained Bodhi; and by Bodhi is meant wisdom, an ideal state of intellectual..
$14.95 US
Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-l..
$17.95 US
Unakite jasper is one of the most overlooked gemstones in the mineral world.  It's a relatively..
$14.95 US
White Sage is known for its purifying action and ability to cleanse spaces, spirit and your atmosphe..
$2.96 US
A beautiful angel sculpted of genuine brass with attached chain and loop. Perfect for those who wish..
$14.20 US
Epidote is a spiritual stone that brings prosperity and abundance.Epidote is a strong purificator of..
$1.87 US
These beautiful Citrine standing points have been heat treated and bonded with sterling silver to cr..
$14.95 US
Petrified Wood is an extremely grounding and protecting stone. It is said to calm the nerves and f..
$11.95 US
Fairytale Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: A floral tisane inspired by ancient tales. Do the Fair Folk mean you blessings or mi..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Goddess Bracelet -40%
Striking cuff bracelets inscribed with messages of inspiration inside.Bracelets measure ½” wide.&nbs..
$12.37 US $7.42 US
Root Chakra Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: A cup of comfort, with familiar notes of bergamot toned down by earthy hojicha, to h..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Solar Plexus Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: Stoke the flame of your solar plexus chakra with this spicy blend that will help emp..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Paper Tea Bags, 100 ct -50%
Natural paper tea bags that are chlorine-free paper fibers that will not taint the flavor of brewed ..
$10.12 US $5.06 US
Love Potion Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: A cuppa that is meant to be shared, to spark the flames of love between two. Sweet r..
$11.62 US $5.81 US
Astrology Bracelet, Zodiac -40%
The outside of each bracelet carries the name of the zodiac sign, the sign symbol, and the symbol fo..
$10.45 US $6.27 US
Beltane Herbal Tea -50%
Flavor Profile: This tea will dance you around the maypole. Rejoice as flowers and spices raise your..
$11.62 US $5.81 US