A Buddha is one who has attained Bodhi; and by Bodhi is meant wisdom, an ideal state of intellectual..
$15.03 US
The purple hue of Grape Agate is soothing, relaxing and comforting. Some specimens have a tinge ..
$12.77 US
The purple hue of Grape Agate is soothing, relaxing and comforting. Some specimens have a tinge ..
$35.36 US
These beautiful pieces of Black Obsidian have been placed into a very hot chamber and heated with ..
$9.00 US
Lapis Lazuli is an ancient gem, and as such, has a storied history. Egyptian cultures made a practic..
$15.03 US
This unique wooden holder is shaped like an eye, hand painted with vibrant blue. It has a small hole..
$11.26 US
Gemstone surprise gem shaped fizz balls have an assortment of gemstones embedded within. Simply pl..
$4.48 US
Beautiful Green Opal with various patterns and colors throughout the stone. Green Opal is said to he..
$36.87 US
2024 Moonology Daily Calendar -75%
Unlock the magical powers of the Moon to manifest an incredible life, with daily affirmations and in..
$18.07 US $4.52 US
Astro Candle Gift Box - Mars - IDGAF -15%
When you need to stand up for yourself and take what you want and deserve, Mars is the planet to ali..
$31.60 US $26.86 US
Astro Candle Gift Box - Jupiter - Lucky Star -15%
Align yourself with Jupiter energy to improve anything and everything, it is the guardian angel plan..
$31.60 US $26.86 US
Astro Candle Gift Box - Saturn - Get The F* Out! -15%
When you are at your limit with a person, influence, or even your own bad habits, it's time to Get i..
$31.60 US $26.86 US
Anointing Oil: Fiery Wall of Protection -15%
The ultimate protection magic, calling in your warriors to deflect anything thrown your way.Scent: E..
$9.00 US $7.65 US
Affirmation Candle - Intuition -15%
A brilliant blue candle with a breath of lavender. 2" x 4" pillar with a 40 hour burn time. A perfec..
$15.44 US $13.13 US
Astro Candle Gift Box - The Moon - Do YOU -15%
Self-care is all about doing you! Taking care of and honouring yourself and your natural cycles is a..
$31.60 US $26.86 US
Aroma Oil: Californian White Sage -15%
Goloka California White Sage Aroma OilCalifornia White Sage Aroma Oil has long been valued in tradit..
$4.48 US $3.81 US